Gnyanodaya International School

The Gnyanodaya Education Trust under the auspicious guidance of its Founders Hon'ble SHRI RAMKRISHNA KAUDIRAM VERMA & SMТ. СHАMPA RAMKRISHNA VERMA has been catering to the needs of education for more than 3 decades in Vasai Taluka of Palghar District in the stateof Maharashtra.

Joyful Journeys


We are a public Trust duly registered under the Provisions of Bombay Public Trust Act 1950. We are known and Recognized as GNYANODAYA EDUCATION TRUST. We the persons associated with the Trust in any capacity possess a sufficient Long experiencein the field of Education and Social Service to its credit.


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Online Education

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The Gnyanodaya Education Trust under the auspicious guidance of its Founders Hon’ble SHRI RAMKRISHNA KAUDIRAM VERMA & SMТ. СHАMPA RAMKRISHNA VERMA has been catering to the needs of education for more than 3 decades in Vasai Taluka of Palghar District in the state of Maharashtra.


We are a public Trust duly registered under the Provisions of Bombay Public Trust Act 1950. We are known and Recognized as GNYANODAYA EDUCATION TRUST. We the persons associated with the Trust in any capacity possess a sufficient Long experiencein the field of Education and Social Service to its credit.

"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world." — Nelson Mandela


Reaching Education, at least fundamental, if not comprehensive to the poorest of the poor amongst the population deprived of the opportunity to have the same has been and shall be our principle goal. To enable such people, particularly the children to come up in life both academically as well as materially has been and shall be our secondary principle goal.

In order to pursue the goals as set above; Hon’ble Founder Shri Ramkrishna Verma with active help and support of his Pillar of Strength Co-Founder of GNYANODAYA Smt. Champa Ramkrishna Verma established various Schools in Vasai Taluka.

Working hours

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Mon-Thu 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
Friday 09:00 AM - 03:00 PM
Sat-Sun 11:00 AM - 02:00 PM


Celebrating Preschool Achievements

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Preschool Picasso Showcase

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Tales and Tidbits

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Explorers Day: Reach for the Stars

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About Our School

We are a public Trust duly registered under the Provisions of Bombay Public Trust Act 1950. 

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